Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Metacognition/critical thinking post 2

In my own learning, I find that listening and taking notes is the best way for me to retain information. I would rather listen to a lesson in class than read a chapter in a book. Though reading material is essential in college, I work the best when I jot notes as I am reading. This helps me remember and make connections further along the readings. 


  1. Listening and taking notes is much more effective for me also. Reading chapters out of a text book can not keep my attention for very long. Notes and lectures are much more beneficial for me.

  2. For both Angie and McKinnah, why might this be true?

    Also, realize that although something is difficult or feels uncomfortable, that doesn't mean it's not helping you learn effectively. It's difficult to evaluate the difference. A lot of students love lectures, because other forms of participation make them uncomfortable, or are difficult. They THINK they learn best this way, but it's a very passive form of listening. Most research shows that lectures are far less effective than active participation, like activities and discussions.
