Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog 2

Mr. Gates classroom will automatically give a warm,positive,cheerful feeling right as you walk into it. He will greet every student with a positive hello as they walk into the classroom everyday. He will have a reading rug with enough mini ottomans for each student to store their favorite books for silent reading time. The students all will have jobs throughout the classroom. Clean the chalkboard, straighten the desks, pick up any pieces of trash on the floor etc. They will have these jobs one week. After their week of jobs the students are paid with fake classroom money. On every Friday Mr. Gates will hold a classroom auction where the students can buy items that students have brought in. During this time the students can buy items that they want with the money they have earned or save it till they have enough for a bigger prize they desire. This will give the students a chance to deal with money management. If the students do a poor job on their jobs or act up while doing them then their money pay will decline till they turn their act around.


  1. I really like the idea of giving fake money for good behavior, not only it rewards the student but it gives them an incentive for their good behavior. The students who do not have good behavior, will not be able to use their fake money to buy things at the end of the week which would definitely be negative. It also is a great way to incorporate math into lessons, placement values, and money value in general!

  2. This seems to be the same idea you were communicating in your last post, but how does this break down in terms of behaviorism? I'm not saying these aren't things that would be interesting additions to a classroom, but how would you describe these instructional choices in terms of the theory we've read and discussed in class?

    What kind of stimulus is a warm positive hello? How do you know? Exactly what kind of behaviors are you targeting? What does 'act up' mean, exactly? What kind of punishment or reinforcement is being used in these examples? Positive/negative reinforcement/punishment?

  3. I also like the fake money strategy. We did this in my fourth grade class and had a big auction at the end of the year. It was easy to keep track of and lots of fun for the students. It also provided students with a new start everyday. That was so important, so that no student felt stuck in failure.
