Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 2

We can best engage students' brains to help them better understand big ideas by giving them visual connections. The best way to use visuals with students is by making it interactive and engaging. By using visuals like this it allows students to create more connections. 

Other ways to present information using more than one neural or sensory pathway are by igniting all of the other senses such as touch, smell, hear, and taste. By having students use all of their senses it reinforces the information they are trying to learn. This also provides teachers with others ways to help students learn. This is important because it gives teachers and students a mutual understanding that all emphasis does not need to be placed on visual learning. 


  1. I agree humans seem to be visual learners in which we learn best through visual aspects. It's very easy to create connections through visual aspects such as graphs, maps, and diagrams to explain how different concepts work. It's a great way to engage students, but i also think there are other ways to engage students that might not be passive. i think it's important to remember to create active activities that allow students to explore and learn on their own.

  2. What are some other reasons using multiple senses/pathways is important? (what are some theories that support this?)
