Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog Post 2

This video might relate to classroom instruction when thinking about modeling because my female students may want to be like me and may want to imitate my behavior, so they would be more likely to do the things that I say. Boys may not think this way and may not want to imitate my behavior in this same way. 

What makes a model most effective is when it is someone of higher status that one respects and wants to imitate. Young children often imitate older brothers or sisters of the same gender and want to be just like them. This is because the model as seen as someone of high status that the imitator respects and wants to be like. They would most likely be successful and seen as someone of importance. 

Teachers are often seen as models in their classrooms, especially with younger students, but peers may also be models in classrooms. When one student sees that another student has done well and has gotten recognition for their work, other students may envy that and want to imitate the actions of their peer.

Society and culture might influence learning because if the student is judged before ever entering the classroom, the teacher may treat them differently which would inhibit their learning. Or on the other hand, if the student has a bad home life or has a history of misbehaving in class, this may also effect their learning and the teacher might not have control over the situation.

Large scale cultural factors might influence your students' learning because they may think that they are suppose to act a certain way, even if it is bad. If all of the other male students are being mean to the girls and they have also seen shows where the boys are mean to the girls, the student may act in this certain way just because they think that is how they are suppose to act.

One distinguishing factor that might be a component my classroom culture would be somewhat like a reward and punishment system for behavior. Everyday students would see their name on a 'chore' sheet. Each week there is a new line leader dorr holder etc. If students do their tasks correctly, they will receive a gold star each week. If they don't do their job, the gold star will be revoked. At the end of the year whichever student has the most gold stars will get a small prize. This would allow both males and females to have their own roles in the classroom and would allow equal opportunity for everyone to succeed. 


  1. I really like how you added the part about how a female student would most likely model you! Great job linking it all together and how a male student who most likely model another male teacher. I also like how you talked about the student's background and how people are so quick to assume and judge before the student even enters the classroom. This could be on the teachers part or even other students. This brings up the issue of bullying and how that can really stunt a child's learning abilities as well!

  2. I think adding in the part about modeling off of movies is a great point. Movies are a huge deal to children, and often times what they see in movies can greatly distinguish the way they act. Favorite actors (high status) and their roles in movies can affect they way they treat others.

  3. I liked the comment about the female student modeling after the female teacher as Sarah commented about above. This is interesting to me because of how important gender is with teachers and students. Boys typically don't have this relationship with their teachers due to less boys being teachers than girls. I find it interesting that more girls want to be teachers in the world than boys,and wonder if modeling and gender appropriateness links to this, or has some effect on it.
