Monday, October 15, 2012

Creativity Blog Post 2

Through creative collaboration we can broaden our perspectives by sharing our ideas with others, which will enhance our creativity. By placing students in groups that can share different ideas, they can build and learn from each other.  In my field experience classroom, my students engage in literature circles.  Each student has a specific task for the group: travel tracker, connections, illustrator, questioner, and leader.  Each student shares their specific task with the group and the ideas they’ve learned.  The person in charge of questions asked different questions about the story that each member of the group is required to answer.  I believe this is a great way to enhance creativity.  Instead of the teacher lecturing over the book, the students are able to share with their peers connections they’ve made about the book, and see what each other thought about the story they were reading.  The tasks give the students the ability to enhance their creative ideas and learn from each other.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea of the students contributing to each others learning, instead of the teacher. It gives the students a chance to learn from each other. Learning from their peers is more relatable, than always learning from a teacher. This definitely will create some creative thoughts and ideas.
