Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Metacognition/Critical Thinking Blog Post 2

I always try to sit in the front of the classroom otherwise I will get too distracted in the back.  This has helped me to pay attention to class so much better and for some classes I do not even have to take notes because I am so focused in on the teacher and what we are learning in the class.  Another method that I have used is to make an outline a week in advance before I write a paper and whenever I think of any important points or sentences throughout the week I can add it to the outline so I have a lot of time to think of the topic and makes it easy to write the paper.  Rather than waiting until the very last minute to write the paper.
Usually I can tell if I am doing well in class depending on how well I have grasped the information in class and the grades I receive on assignments.  If I am getting a lot of good grades and I understand everything in class with no need for clarification than I have fully grasped the concepts of that subject matter for that day in class.

1 comment:

  1. How can you tell if you 'grasped the concepts'? How do you assess this? Is it just grades? Looking at grades doesn't require you think about your own thinking, but do you consider how you studied for each thing in relation to the grade you received? Then change your strategy?
