Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Metacognition/Critical Thinking Blog Post 2

Note taking has truly helped me in the past with regulating my own thinking because I am able to read the material, take notes, review in class with more notes, and then be able to go through these notes again to help me study for an exam or test. I never have gone crazy over note taking and written down every single piece of information, but I have written down the most important facts and the facts that I often forget because by writing this information down, I can remind myself that this is the important information and this is what I normally forget so make sure to go over it and review. Study time involves my notes so I am able to recall the information that I do know and connect it to the knowledge that still needs to be reviewed. I self-test myself as well once notes are taken by making flash cards or taking practice tests that help with higher order of thinking.

In class, I know that I am doing well if I am able to create the project we have written like the development in play project and do it on my own without constantly looking at my notes from class and from the book. Since I was able to do this, I was confident in my knowledge about what I was writing about which was Piaget and play. So far, I have been effective in taking notes and I think that this is shown through my blog posts as well. In order to continue doing well especially for the midterm, I will make a study guide about the most important information and the information that I often forget to help me with thinking accurately for the test.

1 comment:

  1. Note taking may be very effective for you, but we all have different strategies that work for us. You emphasized note taking in your other post as something you'd bring into an elementary classroom, but make sure you're aware of a variety of strategies and think about some reasons why note taking may or may not be appropriate for particular ages.
