Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Motivation - Post 1

The main points in this module was about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is when there is some sort of reward or praise from an external source due to an activity or behavior that was done. Intrinsic motivation is when an individual takes part in an activity or behavior that is rewarding in and of itself to that individual. Younger students tend to be more intrinsically motivated versus being extrinsically motivated. Older students tend need extrinsic motivation over intrinsic motivation. There are also some activities that work better with extrinsic motivation than others. Such activities would be behavioral activities. You also do not want to reward a student for something that they have always done well. Rewards are good to use when you are trying to change a behavior.

I was wondering if there was a way to help students or teach students to be more intrinsically motivated?

Videogames and YouTube are motivating because there is immediate feedback when involved in these activities. This in the extrinsic motivation. These types of things can be intrinsically motivating as well. This is because, for example, when playing a videogame, if you get some sort of reward when completeing a task or mastering a level you want to complete that task or master that level to get the reward.


  1. Maybe if you teach your students about metacognition, they would realize the importance of intrinsic motivation and be more likely to be motivated intrinsically.

  2. We will talk about how to intrinsically motivate on Wednesday! Chapter 15 and 16 discuss some methods of doing this. It's important!

    Why do you think that older students become less intrinsically motivated?
