Monday, November 5, 2012

Assessment Blog Post 2

I am teaching my students how to write a Cinquain Poem. I would use the Social Cognitive Learning Theory to teach this concept. I would use modeling to show how to write a poem like this. I would go through each step, and display the paper and pen on the Elmo, on the projection screen. By modeling how to write this poem, and showing it, students will more easily be able to understand how to write a poem like this, and do it in the correct format. When teaching this concept, I would make sure to take each line of the poem step-by-step, and make sure that each line is understood. I would also if helpful, act out each line or display it in some sense so the students can absorb, and be able to model each line of the poem when they create it. Understanding the different types of words used in the poem is essential to understanding how to write this type of poem (nouns, verbs, etc). I would formally asses this concept by at the end of the unit of poetry have each student make an example of a poem. This would show that the student learned the material and made example of it. I would want this planned so that the student has time to put in, and show that they can produce the poem like I had shown and taught.


  1. I think that the application of this goal is very well executed. To make sure that students understand this concept, I would give many different examples that appeal to different interests in the class. You chose the Social Cognitive Learning Theory to teach this goal, and I think that this was a good choice. You can easily model how to do these poems to teach them. I think that another good way to teach these poems is to compare and contrast them to another type of poem. When students can see the difference between the types of poems, they will learn it better.

  2. I like the alignment of each piece of instruction here. You don't explain all of the details of the assessment, but I think I can see your thinking in aligning it to Social Cognitive Theory and your learning goal. This appears to be a performance assessment (actually writing the poem), which makes sense if you believe learning happens through observation and imitation (if you are teaching through Social Cognitive Theory). Actually seeing the imitation would be a very consistent assessment with this kind of instruction.
