Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Equity Prompt 2

These words might be potentially inequitable because some of the students might have not encountered both of these words. A professor is a college educator. Some of the students’ parents might have not gone to college, so they have never been introduced to these words or heard their parents tell stories about their college professors and classes. The word silo could be inequitable to those students who have never lived in the country. They might not even know what a silo is, so this is a disadvantage for them. Not all students would benefit from this elaboration activity because not all students can connect past experiences to professors or silos.

He is contributing his failure to external causes. He is blaming someone else for his failure.

It might be challenged because the sensitive period is when a student HAS to learn something. Part of language development occurs during this time. If she didn’t learn these proper English skills during the sensitive period then she might have difficulty learning this topic. She did not learn these proper English skills when she was little from her parents, so they are not stored in long term memory. Whereas other students who did learn these skills at a young time probably have them stored in their long term memories.

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