Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Piaget - Post 2

I would say that the first child in the video is in the concrete operational stage. This is because he knows that a hammer can break glass and that a feather would not break glass. Because of his knowledge he states a logical answer and ignores the rules that were given to him because they are too abstract for him to understand. The second child in the video would be in the formal operational stage. This is because she can understand the abstract rule that a feather can break the glass.
To teach the first child who is in the concrete operational stage, you would want to incorporate visual aids and connections to things he already knows. To teach the second child you would only have to explain the information even if it is abstract and she would be able to remember and use that information.


  1. I like how you would incorporate visual aids, I would suggest for the visual aids to have direct labels or directions of what to do.

  2. I like your explanation here. I think the boy is definitely thinking about the concrete or physical properties of the objects rather than the abstract and hypothetical proposition.

    What do you mean by explain the information even if it is abstract? I'm not sure what you're saying here about the teaching required for the girl. Why is that targeted for her stage? I like your suggestions for the boy--visual aids activate the senses, something he can do easily, and connecting to his experience will keep things in the concrete realm.
