Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Social Cognitive Theory - Post 2

I do believe that modeling is a great way for kids to learn. For a model to be effective though, he or she mustbe relevant for the imitator. For example, if you are wanting to learn how to make shoes you would not go somewhere where they make bags. The model must also have competence. Models of high status are also more likely imitated over someone who is not of high status. Gender of the model also plays a role, males are more likely to imitate males and females are more likely to imitate females. I would count the students as models as well. Students who are good and who receive awards and good grades are good models for other students who do not get rewarded and maybe do not get such good grades.

I believe that social and cultural factors play a large role in students' learning. I believe that if a student is a new student in a new school system he or she will not know the culture of the classroom and how the classroom is run. This would be because at his or her old school, he or she was in a different culture than what the new school is.

In my classroom, I will expect respect out of all of the students toward myself and the other students as well. I feel that for a classroom to be a good learning environment, there needs to be a rule that no comment or answer or question is a stupid one. No one can laugh or make fun of someone else if they do not understand something or get an answer wrong. I have had experiences like this in my high school career where someone made me feel stupid and because of this I never participated in class. I will definately expect respect for everyone in my classroom above all else.


  1. I was a new student many times; three different elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools. What I found to be true throughout all of these different classroom experiences was a very similar classroom culture. I feel that every teacher wants their students to feel included and encouraged. Similar to what you want your classroom culture to be, every classroom I experienced expected respect toward everyone. I agree that it should be a universal goal of all teachers.

  2. Your classroom culture sounds good--try to think of some ways to communicate this in implicit ways to students--making them understand that this is what's required to be a member of the class.
