Friday, September 28, 2012

Vygotsky Blog Post 2

The more knowledgeable other that Vygotsky describes is a computer application that trains future employees. This can help scaffold someone through their ZPD because it can provide them with demonstrations and examples from someone who knows the job. Something in the classroom that could be a more knowledgeable individual could be a dictionary. The student may not know what a word means and they can look it up in the dictionary. The dictionary provides not only the meaning, but also the pronunciation, the part of speech the word is, and sometimes examples of how to use it. In this case, a dictionary is more knowledgeable than the student at that word. The dictionary can scaffold learning by being available as a resource.


  1. I like your example of a dictionary as a more knowledgeable other. I never thought of the possibility of an object serving in that role. As a teacher we will get to be a more knowledgeable other as well as provide other resources, like dictionaries.

    1. What additional resources would work that are similar to dictionaries?
