Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Creativity Blog Prompt 2

I think there are some very useful ways to use the first teaching tip, modeling creativity, in the classroom. Students often use their teachers as models. As we learned in earlier chapters, modeling as a teaching technique can be very effective for young children. If a teacher is looking to promote creativity in the classroom, a great way to jump start that is to model to the students what it looks like to be creative. A teacher should join in with art projects and sing and dance with the students. Teachers should show that they are not afraid to make mistakes by trying new things and acting upon ideas that students have. If the creative process ends up in a mistake, instead of becoming discouraged, a teacher can take that mistake as an opportunity to open floor for discussion and more creative brainstorming. If the teacher models that it is okay to be creative and make mistakes, then the children will feel more at ease to try new things and make mistakes in the process.


  1. I agree! The more teachers turn around to express themselves and make mistakes the more kids will in turn do the same. Plus when everyone makes mistakes in the classroom, as we talked about in earlier chapters, it allows students to become comfortable in the classroom because they know no one is going to be judged for making mistakes just as the teacher did.

  2. I agree with your comment about the teacher joining in art projects and singing and dancing activities. I think it makes the environment a more fun and open environment. I also agree that teachers should not be afraid to try new things in the classroom. I am concerned though if a teacher makes too many mistakes in too short a time period then will the students think of him or her as less competent because he or she messes up frequently? Or will the fact that mistakes happen become a normalcy and the students still think of the teacher as competent?
