One way to develop creativity is to cross fertilize
ideas. This can help students learn how
everything is connected. For example, when learning a concept in math, have the
students write their own story problems that could be a paragraph long (for
older elementary, shorter for younger students). Encourage them to think
outside of the box! This can be assessed on content as well as grammar and
structure. Have them trade papers and then complete the problems that were
written to assess mathematic ability. Then, have them trade again and
illustrate the problem. In the end, the class will have produced collaborative
works that encompass writing, math, and art and that helps stimulate
I think your idea about exchanging papers is a good idea. When writing a paragraph on a math problem, the students can be as creative as they want, since there are no restrictions in their thinking. By exchanging papers, they can share their creative stories with the other students, who can get new ideas from what they have read. It's an awesome idea!