Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Metacognition/Critical Thinking Post 2

The strategy that has worked for me in the past is note taking. I think note is so effective for me because it helps me encode the information by writing it down. When I review the notes I am also storing the information externally and can use them to help recall or trigger the ideas later. I also think that note taking helps me because I only encode the important information and I do it in a way that helps me trigger the details that go along with that information. I usually take my notes in an outline technique which helps me quickly reference and find the information I am looking for in my notes and organizes the information in my head by chunking subtopics of a general idea together.

1 comment:

  1. Note taking also helps me learn. I like listening to a lesson and have it broken down for me. I've also found that if I listen to a lesson and take notes, I take notes on information that I don't necessarily understand the best. After going through the notes, I can finally understand the information I didn't before taking notes.
