Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Module 23 Post 1

The relationship between creativity and intelligence surprised me. With so many hypotheses, it's hard to determine how they're related. I personally believe that creativity and intelligence are related similarly. Generally, if you're creative then you're usually intelligent and vice versa. The traits seem to overlap. I didn't ever think of it differently. Creativity may be a form of higher-order thinking because gifted learners process information more efficiently, learn at a faster pace, and use more effective strategies, i.e. creating and analyzing as higher-order thinking. In my classroom, I can promote creativity by asking open ended, puzzling questions and I can implement problem solving techniques and innovative teaching strategies. I could also have a certain area of the room that is used for quiet reading or idea generating for certain skills. Creativity could manifest in a history lesson by asking the students to create their own lesson to present to the class. There are no requirements except what is listed in the lesson summary. They're able to present a skit, rap, powerpoint, play, etc. or whatever effectively presents the information. To assess creativity, I would ask all of the questions I could think of based on a drawing, list possible product improvements so children would have more fun with it, find unusual uses for an object. I must be familiar with the domain in which the creativity is being assessed in, too.

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