Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 1

The main ideas discussed in this chapter were the different functions of the brain, how the brain develops, and how the brain functions during teaching and learning. The brain develops throughout life and goes through critical stages which can be effected by a variety of factors. Pruning of the brain is when we gradually get rid of the unnecessary information that it stored in our brain from birth such as different sounds that are not in our language. There are many factors that effect brain development such as environment, the plasticity of our brains, nutrition, etc. All aspects of life effect the way that our brain develops. As we learn, our brain forms new connections. This can help us hold memories as well as learn new information such as playing a sport or learning an equation. It is important to know how the brain works while teaching because we will better be abe to understand how our students learn. 

One question I had about the reading was how emotion would effect brain development? In the chapter it talked about how emotion would effect learning, which I understand, but how would our emotions effect the way our brain develops?

According to a brain scientists, development is the act of our brain actually making the connections and the synaptic connections. This is when the brain is growing. Learning is what we do with our information and how we make sense of it all. Our connections are strengthened when we learn. The brain itself changes when it develops. 

Repetition is thought of as a good way to remember something according to brain research, but is not thought of as a good method of learning through the IP theory. According to brain research, when we repeat something over and over again we are likely to remember it more easily. Through the IP theory, it says that we do not hold that information in our long term memory so we are not actually learning the information. 


  1. I think your question raises a lot of valid points. Can emotion hinder or enhance brain development? If so, how does that affect the connections we establish?

  2. I believe that emotions can change the development of our brains, especially if someone goes through a very traumatic event which can cause a lot of emotion of pain, fear, anger, sadness, etc. This kind of extreme emotion can eventually change your personality and thus I think changes your brain.

  3. I feel like if a child was never loved or just even hugged as a child then that depression would somehow stunt the growth of a child's brain. I believe that love and attention in a young child's life is healthy and important for brain development.

  4. If we consider development as anything that is experience expectant, then emotion (based in experience most of the time) would not affect development. Of course, sometimes genetics could interfere with the development of the parts of the brain that control emotion (the limbic system) which would then manifest later on....

    Why do you describe development as the connections made in the brain? Wouldn't the connections made in the brain and their myelination be a result of learning?
