Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Post 2

According to Tom the best way to engage students minds is through visionary. The eyes are the main thing to help students better understand big ideas. The eyes see basic shapes and is pretty much asking what am I seeing here and the brain responds to the eyes. We can use almost any other type of sensory. People who cant see learn and respond by touch and sound. People who cant speak learn from visual and touch. People who cant hear learn from touch and vision. It's important because you will always have humans who can't just use one neural or sensory pathway to grasp and learn new ideas in life.


  1. I really like how incorporated all types of different people into your scenario. I think that sometimes as teachers we forget that not all students can hear us, or see us so I really like how you gave different senses for each type of person to use. It's definitely something that we could incorporate into classrooms even if students are able to do all of the above, because like you said it truly helps to stimulate the senses and can give them a sense of how some people in the world function in their daily lives.

  2. Similarly, I like how you included all scenarios. Teachers should strive to teach in all senses because they don't know what the student may struggle with or excel in. Even though Wujec says vision is the primary sense for learning, what about the students who can't see? By no means does that make them less smart. Our other senses pick up the slack for the one that doesn't function at optimal level. How would we learn if none of us could see? Would we still be able to learn and grasp new ideas from their other sensory pathways? Just some thoughts :D I really connected with your post!

  3. True! Other than the fact that some humans don't have a particular sense (if they can't hear or see), why would presenting information through multiple brain pathways be beneficial?
