Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Module 21 Post 2

The Internet and all of its resources is the biggest cultural and societal resource that has been implemented in the classroom. When the Internet first came out, users had to learn from other people (be scaffolded through it) how it functioned. I remember first learning about the Internet and how its used and now I've internalized the ways it functions. The Internet was constructed by someone else and now everything on it is created by someone. If we're to use it in the classroom, we have to realize that this is a huge part of learning because these kids have internalized it. Our culture helped scaffold us through it and now it's a permanent part of our lives. Another practice that is culturally and socially based is the practice of reading aloud. Someone taught us to read- this is arguably the biggest social aspect of our learning. Other children may learn how to read by simply listening to their peers. This is something that's been embedded in our culture for as long as we've been literate. Literacy and being able to read is essential for success in our culture. We rely on being able to read. The practice of reading aloud in our culture has been around for as long as we have and it's not going to change unless we throw out our socialization in learning.

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